Education and Sports Activities
The company considers education to be the basis of an individual’s formation, therefore it provides access to its employees and workers children to study at different schools built and maintained by the company.
The company also implements an extensive sports program that allows youth and adults to develop in disciplines such as baseball, basketball, football, volleyball, and softball throughout the year.

The bilingual school Abraham Lincoln School teaches employees’ children from pre-kindergarten level all through high school with academic training in science, mathematics, letters and languages.
In rural areas the company has built and maintains 59 schools operated by the Dominican Government through the Ministry of Education, where more than eight thousand of the workers children benefit from it for free.
As a complementary service, the company provides free school transportation in both rural and urban areas, providing access to students whose schools are distant from their homes.
Most of the principals and teachers who work in schools live in housing owned by the company.
Employees’ children also have access to a college scholarship program offered by the company to pursue studies in the university of their choice inside and outside the country.
In coordination with the National Institute of Technical and Vocational Training (INFOTEP, their acronym in spanish), Central Romana develops DUAL -a program based on 5 technical areas where young people are trained to become professional technicians in electricity, refrigeration, diesel auto mechanics, industrial mechanics, and boilers and mills operators.
More than 300 professional technicians have graduated from DUAL programs since its implementation.
Similarly the Adult Literacy Program (PROALFA, Spanish acronym), aimed at employees well into adulthood of the company. Currently the program instructs more than 100 people from the initial level of education through 8th grade.
Community Support
Central Romana Corporation also provides financial support to local charities such as Patronato Benéfico Oriental and MIR Charities, among others.
The Patronato Benéfico Oriental
This organization operates the Hogar del Niño, which every day receives more than 1,500 children from birth to 18 years old who are provided their basic needs for food with 3 meals a day, free full time medical care, dental care, and early childhood education starting with a daycare with capacity for 400 infants, going nurseries for 195 babies up to primary and secondary education.
It has technical education programs, extracurricular activities and scholarship programs, in order to make the most productive and independent students, and improve their quality of life.
It also has a special education school for students over 75 deaf and blind children.
Recently it opened a modern and extensive library, which aims to be a model in the area with an extensive selection of textbooks and modern educational tools on computers along with the ability to update information with Internet access.
In general, the Patronato Benéfico Oriental provides social assistance through other institutions and communities; approximately 9,000 children in bateyes, orphanages and schools who receive food, vitamins, medical and dental care for free.
MIR Charities
On the other hand, MIR Charities was created in 1990 to provide educational, social and health services to children and needy families of La Romana.
Technical Vocational School MIR (photo vocational school for boys) was founded in 1998, it is managed in collaboration with the Hermanas Dominicas de la Presentación and UDEFA, and it provides education from 5th to 12th grade. During the last two years of study the students receive vocational training in Computing, Accounting, Tourism, Nursing, Beauty and a cooking program certified by the Johnson & Wales School.
We currently have 580 students enrolled with a graduation rate of 95%. The school plays a crucial role in a country where the probability of education past 5th grade is less than 40 %. About 700 girls have graduated out of this school.
MIR Esperanza School
It is a school that implements a comprehensive education program to more than 200 young people from La Romana, training in Electricity, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration. These young adults leave school being productive to society and the ability to create suitable development groups.

During the year various sports tournaments take place in the form of inter – divisional and inter-bateyes organized by promoters in the Department of Sports Activities, building a relationship between the communities where these are held.
The company has a sports promoter in each of the 7 Agricultural Divisions, plus three coaches in basketball, athletics and baseball. The company gives maintenance to all basketball courts, volleyball, baseball, soccer and track and field.
The company also owns a modern baseball stadium with a capacity for more than eight thousand people, home of the team Toros del Este, of the Professional Baseball League of the Dominican Republic. Central Romana sponsors the team with an annual investment exceeding one million dollars, as well as the maintenance costs of the stadium all year.
The company supports various sports associations and federations of La Romana and the Eastern region, contributing to youth development in physical education activities.
Central Romana is also a founding member of Creating Olympic Dreams program CRESO (acronym in Spanish), which along with other major companies in the private sector finance the preparation and training of athletes in 15 sports disciplines such as: Athletics, Handball, Equestrian, Boxing , Golf, Judo, Fencing, Weightlifting, Swimming, Wrestling, Taekwondo, Tennis, Table Tennis and Sailing.
The company has also built Community Centers in each of its seven agricultural divisions that are used for social and cultural activities such as craft workshops, jewelery and pastries with the support of INFOTEP.